We've all heard of the ancient practice of Acupuncture which uses a series of fine needle points that are inserted just beneath the skin's surface in an effort to alleviate pain and unblock energy though a bunch of channels in the body called Meridians.
I first met Dr. Ahmad about 8 years ago when my daughters were toddlers who required a lot of attention and upper body strength. At that time, I was also a dancer in Bandan Koro's African Drum and Dance Ensemble. I sought psychological and physical relief particularly in my neck and back area where I would sometimes feel discomfort from everyday life.
I first met Dr. Ahmad about 8 years ago when my daughters were toddlers who required a lot of attention and upper body strength. At that time, I was also a dancer in Bandan Koro's African Drum and Dance Ensemble. I sought psychological and physical relief particularly in my neck and back area where I would sometimes feel discomfort from everyday life.
Today, our session began like any other with him checking my pulse and examining my tongue. It's funny how he can tell my level of stress even before I say anything about it. Based on his keen observation, he'd say something like "your kidneys are inflamed." I remember thinking, "Oh my. I should be more careful with my kidneys," as if it were an exterior body part or something. Then he would begin the process of inserting at least a dozen little needles into my skin starting from my head to my feet.
He said the point on the top of my head was called, "Bai Hui," the meeting point of a thousand channels because it connected to every point in the body. I would twitch at some entries because due to blockage or an area that needed attention say for instance my kidney. I need to exercise and drink more water to keep my kidneys healthy and functioning properly.
Once the needles are inserted and electrodes are applied I'd rest for about 45 minutes letting the healing and flow of energy take place. Once the session is over, I wake up feeling so calm and rejuvenated from the inside out.
He said the point on the top of my head was called, "Bai Hui," the meeting point of a thousand channels because it connected to every point in the body. I would twitch at some entries because due to blockage or an area that needed attention say for instance my kidney. I need to exercise and drink more water to keep my kidneys healthy and functioning properly.
Once the needles are inserted and electrodes are applied I'd rest for about 45 minutes letting the healing and flow of energy take place. Once the session is over, I wake up feeling so calm and rejuvenated from the inside out.
Last but not least, Dr. Ahmad leaves me with small portable needles (one on each wrist), acupuncture beads in my earlobes and medicated tape across my muscles for ongoing release and relief. Dr. Ahmad used to practice western medicine but now has his own practice offering Acupuncture and Alternative Medicine in Plano, Texas. Herbal remedies and alternative medicine is definitely my go to remedy for optimal health and wellness. How do you care for you and your family? Comment below.
Acupuncture & Alternative Medicine
Dr. Ahmad
2800 West Parker Road Suite #101
Plano, Texas 75075
Tel: 214-228-4445
Dr. Ahmad
2800 West Parker Road Suite #101
Plano, Texas 75075
Tel: 214-228-4445
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