This post is about my undergraduate, global college experiences and how they have defined my life and career loooong after graduation. I attended Long Island University in South Hampton (now located in Brooklyn), New York. Prior to ever stepping foot on a college campus, I lived thousands of miles away in a small town called Tarbes located in the Hautes-Pyrénées Region of Southwestern France. After high school I decided to study a year abroad as a Rotary Exchange Student. It was a decision inspired by numerous foreigners and exchanges students I'd encountered at South Grand Prairie then later at Duncanville High School where I graduated class of 1999. Then, I was intrigued by the students' desire to be in a foreign place where I called "home" whereas they didn't speak the language and had to adjust to their "new" environment. This type of social challenge inspired me to pursue being an exchange student with the Rotary Club of Duncanville. A moment I'll never forget was being awarded with a "Key to the City" by former Mayor Glen Repp. I was presented with a key so that, 'I can always, come back,' he said.
The experience abroad was life changing. I had accomplished so much including learning to comprehend, speak, read and write the French language in addition to adapting to the culture. After my year abroad, I knew my life would not be the same or be "traditional" by any means. So when I received an introductory letter about the Global College Program of Long Island University, I knew my path with destined for a non-traditional academic experience. Turns out the provost during that time was a Rotarian thus he distributed information about the college to all Rotary Exchange students thinking they would be good candidates for LIU's Global College program and he was right. I applied and was accepted into the program and began my Freshman year in New York in the Fall 2001.
My global academic program allowed me to live and study around the world in Kyoto, Japan; Heredia, Costa Rica; Bahia, Brazil; London, United Kingdom and Cairo, Egypt. As a result of my extensive foreign studies, I speak several languages including French, Portuguese, Spanish and Japanese. Needless to say, the world is my classroom.
The experience abroad was life changing. I had accomplished so much including learning to comprehend, speak, read and write the French language in addition to adapting to the culture. After my year abroad, I knew my life would not be the same or be "traditional" by any means. So when I received an introductory letter about the Global College Program of Long Island University, I knew my path with destined for a non-traditional academic experience. Turns out the provost during that time was a Rotarian thus he distributed information about the college to all Rotary Exchange students thinking they would be good candidates for LIU's Global College program and he was right. I applied and was accepted into the program and began my Freshman year in New York in the Fall 2001.
My global academic program allowed me to live and study around the world in Kyoto, Japan; Heredia, Costa Rica; Bahia, Brazil; London, United Kingdom and Cairo, Egypt. As a result of my extensive foreign studies, I speak several languages including French, Portuguese, Spanish and Japanese. Needless to say, the world is my classroom.
Fast forward to now, well over a decade later, being a wife and mom has certainly put my global experiences into perspective. I often ask myself, "how do I make a different with my global knowledge to impact my local environment today"? That answer is immediately revealed when I look at my children. My job as a parent includes introducing them to different ideas, cultures and languages that are different than their own. My job is to promote tolerance, peace and understanding to them so that they respect themselves and everyone's differences even though they may not understand it yet.
The desire to teach our children about the world has led us to some wonderful family trips, to the countries where I have studied and beyond, including France; Japan; Brazil; Jamaica; Honduras; and recently Guinea, West Africa all before the age of 12. It's a personal accomplishment that makes me a proud mom, wife and global citizen.
How have my global experiences impacted my career? I've grown a passion to highlight the stories of the world and the people in it so that those stories can be a source of inspiration to spark positive change. Professionally, I'm a digital storyteller, video editor and creative owner of a media company called, LaDoMedia International where I create documentaries, Public Service Announcements, Gala presentations, commercials etc. to help individuals, businesses and organizations reach their desired audience to raise funds, gain support, increase membership and/ or awareness about a particular product, cause or service. My international background has made me keen on serious issues that exists locally as well as around the world. My work and output was inspired by the socio-economic issues that I've experienced abroad. For example, I recently produced a feature film to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the So SMAART Program established by the Trinity (TX) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated that helps to mentor girls 4th-8th grade in Dallas to help them learn about and consider STEM careers. Wouldn't it be amazing to have this type of program available to the youth, specifically girls, all over the world? That's why this program inspired me to tell it's story.
The desire to teach our children about the world has led us to some wonderful family trips, to the countries where I have studied and beyond, including France; Japan; Brazil; Jamaica; Honduras; and recently Guinea, West Africa all before the age of 12. It's a personal accomplishment that makes me a proud mom, wife and global citizen.
How have my global experiences impacted my career? I've grown a passion to highlight the stories of the world and the people in it so that those stories can be a source of inspiration to spark positive change. Professionally, I'm a digital storyteller, video editor and creative owner of a media company called, LaDoMedia International where I create documentaries, Public Service Announcements, Gala presentations, commercials etc. to help individuals, businesses and organizations reach their desired audience to raise funds, gain support, increase membership and/ or awareness about a particular product, cause or service. My international background has made me keen on serious issues that exists locally as well as around the world. My work and output was inspired by the socio-economic issues that I've experienced abroad. For example, I recently produced a feature film to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the So SMAART Program established by the Trinity (TX) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated that helps to mentor girls 4th-8th grade in Dallas to help them learn about and consider STEM careers. Wouldn't it be amazing to have this type of program available to the youth, specifically girls, all over the world? That's why this program inspired me to tell it's story.
So SMAART is an acronym for 'set on science, math, the arts, aviation, reading and technology.' It's an amazing program that's worthy of support because of its lasting impression on today's youth. My goal is to make a difference to improve the condition within our local community. Granted, I may not be half way across the world working at a company or NGO to bring support and supplies to those in need however, my influence and change can be made right here by being a world-rounded parent exposing our kids to the world and of course. In addition, I have the ability to use my talent and skills as a humanitarian, journalist and multi-media storyteller to highlight necessary change on a local level that can have a positive ripple effect to improve the world. Have a story to tell or an event or cause that needs to be documented and shared? Shoot me an email to see how we can provide media support for your particular needs. Remember the world is waiting. Recommendations are the highest compliments.
Click below to view the Trinity (TX) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated feature film commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Diamonds and Sneakers Gala fundraiser benefiting the So SMAART Program. Thanks for stopping by and leave a comment below. Ciao!
Click below to view the Trinity (TX) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated feature film commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Diamonds and Sneakers Gala fundraiser benefiting the So SMAART Program. Thanks for stopping by and leave a comment below. Ciao!